How to Recognize the Signs of a Stroke

If you or an aging loved one are at risk, it’s extremely important to learn how to recognize the signs of a stroke. Nowadays, this is becoming much more important because of the higher incidence of strokes throughout the world. There are millions of individuals that do not live a healthy lifestyle and might be predisposed to a stroke which could be a serious life threatening condition, depending on the type of stroke.
Learn about how you can recognize the different signs of a stroke so that you can be equipped with the knowledge in doing so. Who knows, you might be saving your own life or the life of other people.
Why do the signs of a stroke occur so suddenly?
The reason for the abrupt appearance of stroke symptoms occurs when a person has a sudden interruption in their blood flow circulation to certain areas of their brain. If the brain is not getting enough blood, it can stop functioning. This can be fatal if not treated immediately.
What is a TIA?
A TIA is also known as a transient ischemic attack. It is commonly referred to as a warning sign of a stroke, or a “mini-stroke”, and should be treated immediately. This occurs during a short period of lack of blood flow to a certain portion of the brain. The symptoms of a TIA can last around a few minutes to a few hours, but usually go away after 24 hours.
This should be taken seriously because this usually leads to a stroke, which is much more dangerous.
TIA signs usually come all of a sudden and should always be treated as a medical emergency. The following may indicate a mini-stroke:
- Facial, arm and/or leg weakness (usually one side of the body)
- Facial, arm and/or leg numbness (usually one side of the body)
- Person suffering might be hard to understand as they are trying to speak
- Person might be unable to speak completely
- Person might not be able to write
- Dizziness and/or imbalance
- Double vision
- Sudden unusual headache that is moderate to severe
The most common signs of a stroke include the following:
- Facial drooping or numbness of the face may come on suddenly, and may be temporary.
- Arm weakness or leg weakness. If a stroke is occurring, they may have difficulty in raising one limb.
- Speech difficulty. Slurring words or sudden confusion may indicate a stroke.
- Blurry vision.
- Dizziness.
- Headache.
If you or someone you know is experiencing any of these symptoms or even if the symptoms suddenly appear, then go away, immediately call 9-1-1 and get medical assistance.