Funding Options

We’ll help you understand your options
If you’re considering home care services for yourself or a family member, you may have questions about funding – specifically, who pays for what, how much will the services cost and are there other sources of funding available? We’re here to help you get the answers you need – along with all the possible sources of funding for which you may be eligible.
Our services are available privately as well as through government programs, personal and group insurance plans and workplace safety insurance. Before beginning your treatment, talk to us – we’ll help you assess precisely what funding is available to you, how much and for how long, and help you prepare any paperwork you need to apply for it.
Possible sources of funding include:
- Federal and provincial government plans
- Private insurance plans
- Employee benefit plans including short-term disability and long-term disability insurance
- Self funded
Let us help you take care of the details:
Through established relationships with national insurance companies and experience in navigating the health care system, Bayshore can:
- Assess the services you currently receive and determine whether there might be additional service options through the local government home care program or possible grants or allowance through disease specific societies.
- Quickly investigate if your insurance policy includes home care coverage.
- Conduct an in-home assessment of your care needs.
- Assist you to access relevant services through your insurance company.
- Follow through with a wide range of care services delivered by our highly trained staff.
- Assess your needs on an ongoing basis.
Call today for a free insurance benefits review 1-877-289-3997