Senior couple sitting together and looking at documents

Give us feedback about your experience

At Bayshore, we imagine being the difference. Listening to the voices of our clients/patients and their families is central to achieving our vision. We believe that a positive experience happens through open communication, mutual respect, and true partnership between clients/patients, families and staff. We care about your experience and want to hear from you.

If you are a current client/patient receiving care from Bayshore staff and have a compliment, concern, suggestion or question, we encourage
you to first speak to a member of the care team or contact the local manager/supervisor. They are in the best position to address your
issue in a timely manner.

Person-and-Family Centered Care

Lived-experience expertise + Health care expertise = Safer and more inclusive care

Bayshore HealthCare is committed to providing Person-and-Family Centered Care which ensures that the health care you receive is tailored to your unique needs and goals. Bayshore HealthCare invites you and your family to partner with our staff to help you make decisions that are best suited to your needs.

All clients and families will be informed, engaged, supported to partner with our teams to participate in their care, and will be treated with dignity, respect and compassion. A core responsibility of all staff and leaders at Bayshore is to create and sustain a culture that is aligned with the core principles of Person-and-family Centered Care.

Have feedback? We are here to listen. Contact the Patient Experience Team

If you have a question, comment, concern or compliment, please let us know. We ask you to share these directly with your care team or local manager/supervisor; however, if this is not possible, please contact our Patient Experience Team and we will help support you in your journey with Bayshore. Please note, the Patient Experience Team cannot provide medical advice.

Experience Survey

Please complete a short survey to share your experience of your journey with Bayshore.

Patient/Client Family Advisory Council

Would you like to draw from your experiences with Bayshore and contribute to making improvements?

Statement of Client Rights

It is important that you know your rights and that your rights are respected by all Bayshore staff. Please review our Statement of Client Rights and inform us as soon as possible if you feel your rights are being violated.

If you need more support

If you have completed a complaint process with Patient Relations and you weren’t satisfied with the outcome, you can contact your provincial Patient Ombudsman. All regulated health professionals belong to regulatory bodies called “Colleges”. If your complaint is only about a regulated health professional, such as a nurse, physiotherapist, etc., you can contact the appropriate College (e.g. College of Physicians and Surgeons).  

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Provide a safe, supportive environment where you can share your comments, suggestions, and concerns.
  • Listen to and support you through your experience.
  • Help you get the information you need.
  • Respond to your concern and offer assistance to resolve issues or problems.
  • Investigate concerns and follow-up with team members.
  • Assist everyone to communicate effectively with each other – clients/patients, families, and staff.
  • Ensure your feedback is shared with your health-care teams.
  • Provide information on ways you can stay connected to Bayshore to provide input on an on-going basis.

When you have a compliment for staff.
When you want to share your ideas or suggestions.
When you would like further follow-up or did not feel satisfied after expressing a concern to your health-care team.
When you want to know more about your rights.
When you need help communicating with your health-care team.
When you have concerns or grievances about services or interactions with staff.
When you would like to talk about your experience privately.

  • We are committed to working with you in a consistent, fair, and timely way to enhance your experience. When you contact us, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: We receive your message and acknowledge receipt within three business days.

Step 2: We listen to you to understand your feedback and discuss next steps, which could include sharing your feedback or launching a review.

Step 3: We begin the review by communicating with the appropriate staff and reviewing records (with consent of the client/patient involved) to better understand what occurred.