From Patient to Practitioner: Christianne’s Journey of Healing and Advocacy
As a young woman, Christianne Menard, a Community Registered Practical Nurse, experienced severe abdominal pain for years and had been informed by healthcare providers that this was likely due to her menstrual cycle, offering minimal support. This left Christianne feeling unheard, frustrated, and isolated.
She steadily lost weight as her ability to nourish her body declined. Eventually, her symptoms progressed to the point where she was admitted through the Emergency Department and required emergency surgery. It was only then that she received a diagnosis of Crohn’s Disease.
Upon returning home from the hospital, Christianne required significant post-surgical nursing care provided by Bayshore. As Christianne recounts, “I was not very pleasant at the start; I was very angry at the medical system. Even still, nurse Linda was exceptionally caring.” On her first day back home from the hospital, Christianne described her pain level as worse than labor.

She recalled the compassion and care that Linda Rockwell, Registered Nurse, exhibited in easing her pain, assisting her with showering to help her relax, educating her, and pre-booking times with Christianne so that she could rely on Linda’s support. As their therapeutic relationship developed, Linda helped her navigate the medical system she felt vulnerable to and hurt by. “She built my confidence to ask better questions of my medical team,” says Christianne. “I would still be lost without her. The Hospital provided me a pamphlet on Crohn’s and discharged me. Linda helped me understand what was happening and how I needed to advocate for myself.”
However, not all of Christianne’s post-operative experiences were positive. On a Saturday when Linda was off, another nurse arrived to assist with packing her wound. Unfortunately, the packing fell out soon after the other caregiver left her home. Although Christianne called the office to report the issue, no staff were available to assist her until Linda returned on Monday. Both Linda and Christianne were dismayed that the wound had been left open for such a prolonged period, and by Thursday, Christianne was re-admitted to the hospital for an infection that necessitated another surgery.
Linda resumed care for Christianne once again, making it her mission to ensure she would not experience another setback. When Christianne had to return to work, Linda adjusted her schedule to align with her client’s, ensuring continuity of care. She ensured Christianne had the appropriate follow-up appointments, continued to educate her, and gave her the confidence to advocate for her needs. “I wish I could’ve had better care right from the start. I wish I would’ve seen people at the hospital like Linda who are passionate, ask questions, and really listen to their patients.”
Determined to make a difference, Christianne decided to become the change she wanted to see in the world. “I want to help people like Linda helped me,” she stated. Christianne returned to school to pursue a second career in nursing. Throughout her education, she made it clear that her goal was to do her consolidation with Bayshore. Upon completing her consolidation and obtaining her license, she immediately applied for a position at Bayshore to help patients as Linda had helped her.
On Monday, September 23, Christianne began her first day as a Community Registered Practical Nurse with Bayshore Home Care Solutions. She works alongside her colleague, Linda, and remains forever grateful to Linda for the care she desperately needed and the inspiration to pay it forward. “Linda is the reason I’m in healthcare,” concluded Christianne. “I don’t know where I would be without her care.”